Bookmaking Workshop

January 5, 2020

Join us for our monthly bookmaking workshop on Sunday, January 5 from 12:30-3:30pm.

Printed Matter / St Marks invites you to experience a hands-on exploration of the physical structure and metaphorical possibilities of the book form. This workshop will include a brief introduction to the history of artists’ books and Printed Matter, as well as three styles of bookbinding: Hidden Book, 3-hole Pamphlet and Long Stitch. The workshops will be led by Printed Matter staff Chang Yuchen, an artist, experienced bookmaker, and co-author of Book Book / 书书. While we will try to accommodate all those interested, there are a limited amount of spaces available. Bookbinding tool sets will be provided for all participants.

Suggested donation of $12 to help cover class costs.

Total running time will be 3 hours. RSVP required. To RSVP email

Because of limited capacity, if you would like to participate please RSVP by 12 noon, Saturday January 4th. If the class is filled by the time you RSVP, you will be put to the top of the list for next month’s workshop.

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