Transmissions : Asian Artists in Motion

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  • R2W : Rec’reate to Wisdom        Linda Nishio        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • 100 More Jokes From the Book of the Dead        Archie Rand and John Yau        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Hysteric Seven        Dean Sameshima        Books        $75.00
  • The Tongue        Shen Yuan        Books / Artists’ Books        $85.00
  • Transexperiences        Chen Zhen        Books / Artists’ Books        $110.00
  • Transmission        So Takahashi        Books        $20.00
  • Silent Stories        Angel Shaw        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00

An alternate history of East and West might go beyond conceptual oppositions to uncover a mutual (though not always mutually beneficial) relationship of East-West exchange and the circulation of goods, labor, talent, and culture. This process has become more personalized as conditions now allow for increased travel, immigration, and overseas study. The titles above represent a number of Asian and Asian-American artists using artists’ books to create records of that experience, at times, as with Morimura Yasumasa’s Self-Portrait as Art History, through the camp interpretation of cultural canon. Other books, such as Cities on the Move (Kim Soo Ja) are critically aware of movement through space and time, suggesting also that urban flux mimics a greater global circulation. Many artists take foreignness and travel as their starting point; these include members of the residency program at Center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu, Japan: Chen Zhen, Transexperiences; Huang Yong Ping, Travel Guide for 2000—2046; Ken Lum, In Search of Wabi-Sabi; and Rirkrit Tiravanija, Passage Cosmo to Fishy Travels. Hysteric Seven (Dean Sameshima) replicates this on a metaphorical level, as the photos composing its visual poetry invoke cruising and gay trade as testimony to a process of blurred borders and transitory boundaries. Collectively, these books manifest a new image of communication: objects—whether people, books, Fine China (Ho Tam), or in the case of So Takahashi’s Transmissions, faxed images—going back and forth from one side to another. Just remember to bring a Passport (Zhang Yu).

  1. Linda Nishio
    R2W : Rec’reate to Wisdom
    Pasadena, CA: L. Nishio, 1998
    Out of stock
  2. Archie Rand and John Yau
    100 More Jokes From the Book of the Dead
    San Francisco, CA: Meritage Press, 2001
  3. Dean Sameshima
    Hysteric Seven
    Tokyo, Japan: Hysteric Glamour, 2002
    Out of stock
  4. Shen Yuan
    The Tongue
    Kitakyushu, Japan: CCA Kitakyushu and Korinsha Press & Co., 1999
    Out of stock
  5. Chen Zhen
    Kitakyushu, Japan: CCA Kitakyushu and Korinsha Press & Co., 1998
  6. So Takahashi
    New York, NY: S. Takahashi, 1998
    Out of stock
  7. Angel Shaw
    Silent Stories
    A. Shaw, 1985
Last updated 11/13/2013